Descrizione del progetto


Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di contribuire da un lato ad ampliare la varietà di risorse di stimolazione e di apprendimento, e dall’altro favorire l’inserimento famigliare e sociale di persone portatrici di handicap intellettivo, siano essi giovani studenti o adulti. Questo obiettivo verrà affrontato specialmente attraverso lo sviluppo di strumenti ricreativi, finalizzati a stimolare le competenze e le capacità cognitive, psico-fisiche e sociali degli utenti coinvolti, che saranno supportati in un ambiente caratterizzato da tecnologie digitali ed elementi robotici.

Il progetto Gamesp ha come obiettivi: sviluppare un modello di gioco, con diverse opzioni, basato sull’interazione con un robot, basato, su una serie di attività di apprendimento, specifiche per stimolare adulti con disabilità intellettiva; contribuire alla socializzazione dei beneficiari; coinvolgere gli adulti disabili, insieme ai loro educatori e alla famiglia, nella stimolazione e nell’ apprendimento di compiti sistematici, al fine di migliorare i loro legami reciproci e rafforzare il loro rapporto.


  • Genitori e famigliari di persone con disabilità intellettiva.
  • Gli operatori e gli insegnanti che si occupano di persone con disabilità, in tutti i Paesi partecipanti, poiché avranno a disposizione una piattaforma interattiva online da utilizzare non solo per migliorare le competenze delle persone con disabilità, ma anche come mezzo per entrare in contatto e comunicare con altri professionisti.
  • Università e altre organizzazioni che si occupano di formazione ed educazione, perché diffondano questo strumento tra i futuri operatori del settore.
  • Persone con disabilità intellettiva di tutte le età, perché questi strumenti non solo promuovano il loro sviluppo personale, ma anche il loro inserimento sociale.

Risultati del progetto

  1. Una piattaforma, una comunità virtuale e un gioco reale.
  2. Un robot, che sarà l’elemento con cui l’utente della piattaforma potrà interagire.
  3. 10 unità didattiche
Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria

Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria

GDEducation has the responsibility of educational provision in Galicia, it is responsible for educational standards and the training and development of the schools. As part of the role, the organisation works with schools and school staff on the implementation of regional initiatives to meet school improvement priorities and to share in and support innovation in teaching, learning and school leadership.
Its general scope of action includes the education authority at a regional level, including the design of education programmes and plans for all the Galician Community Region, with more than 1500 school institutions in all the four Galician provinces. It represents the higher decision-making institution of the Galician Parliament with regard to the education sphere at all levels: primary schools, secondary, tertiary and VET institutions.


Atenea Projects Lda.

ATENEA Projects Lda. (Portugal)

Atenea is a company dedicated to the development and implementation of multimedia communication services, covering a wide range of areas: web, multimedia, design, marketing solutions, training, hosting…

Our team has a wide experience in the field, access to state-of-the-art technology and is at the vanguard of graphic design.

We believe in a multidisciplinary team that can generate communication products in every field and take different approaches to generate a comprehensive final product.

CEIS Formazione

CEIS Formazione

CEIS Formazione è uno spin-off di Gruppo CEIS, un’organizzazione di grandi dimensioni fondata a Modena nel 1982 che riunisce associazioni, cooperative e organizzazioni finalizzate alla progettazione e allo sviluppo di servizi socio-educativi basati sull’approccio bio-psico-sociale. Oggi il Gruppo CEIS è un consorzio di 10 organizzazioni non profit che impiegano più di 320 dipendenti e 250 volontari. In particolare la Cooperativa Sociale CEIS Formazione è nata con l’intento di garantire formazione e aggiornamento adeguati ai professionisti che operano in ambito socio-educativo e socio-assistenziale.

Centro de Formación Profesional Daniel Castelao

Centro de Formación Profesional Daniel Castelao

“DANIEL CASTELAO” is a Vocational Training School which was founded in 1975 by a group of young teachers in a time when Spanish Vocational Training Educational System was beginning and there was an increasing demand of a big part of students who did not want to go to University but wanted to learn a job/profession. It is located in the centre of Vigo, the most important industrial city in Galicia. It has 350.000 inhabitants and its main industries are: Car Manufacturing, Commerce, Naval Manufacturing, Fishing and Services. Having this into account, the School provides vocational training for young people and adults in the following fields of studies: Electronics&Electricity, IT (Network Administration and Software Development), Commerce&Marketing and Business Administration. Besides, the school organises and provides Skilled Training Courses for unemployed people.

Społeczna Akademia Nauk

Społeczna Akademia Nauk

SAN is a private University situated in the third biggest city in Poland. SAN was established by the Association of Polish Educators in January 1995. Currently there are ca. 16 thousand students enrolled in the Academy. SAN offers PhD, MA and BA studies, post-graduate courses as well as specialized training courses on daily, evening and weekend and extramural basis. SAN is also very active in scientific research, the organisation of national and international conferences and publishing a scientific book.
Every year turnover of the University is about 17 millions Euro.
SAN employs 514 people ( academic, trainers and administration)



ProMAs is a teachers’ and engineers’ NGO with the main aim to facilitate access to learning as a way to enhance life quality.Our members are involved in adult education and VET-they are certified as Trainers, Trainer of trainers, Specialists in Quality’s System, experienced in international multidisciplinary research projects to recognize the needs and the willingness of our target groups to make them feel active and useful in the society they live. Our main aim is facilitating access to develop key-competences in adult education in the age of lifelong learning. Some of our target groups are come from rural areas with poor material circumstances and we try to help them in the aspect of their vocational skills, educational knowledge and social inclusion.

This NGO collaborates with the social, educational and professional institutions of the region, with teachers and students from the high-schools, in a field of promoting and consolidate innovative methods for mentoring, providing knowledge, skills key competences.

Aldini Valeriani Institute

Aldini Valeriani Institute

The Aldini Valeriani Institute is a secondary technical school located in Bologna, in the north of Italy.

The Aldini Institute is one of the most ancient school in Italy and Europe. Since 170 years it has been the fulcrum in the training of managers, technicians and skilled laborers.

Since 1884 the Aldini Institute has had a lot of transformations and it has enriched the educational supply with new technical and professional leanings in study. But the original mission is still current: to create and hold a deep bond between learning, new technologies, world of work, national and international industries.

The school is deeply connected to the territory and its story. During years teachers and students have rebuilted the mechanical evolution in the factories through the restoration of the machines and utensils and they have give birth to the Museum of Industrial Heritage, that provides documentary evidence of the local production activities from Renaissance to nowadays.